
شرکه کنزي للالعاب هی شرکه مصریه مقرها القاهره
تقوم الشركه بامداد السوق المصرى والتصدير الى دولة السعودية وفلسطين وجورجيا وكينيا واوغندا
بالعدید من المنتجات المختلفه کألعاب الاطفال و مکعبات الاطفال و البازل ثلاثی الابعاد والعاب تعلیمیه و
المزید من المنتجات صناعة مصرية بأعلى جودة وطبقا للمواصفات والماعيير العالميه

Kenzy Toys is an Egyptian Company that is located in Cairo We Supply a wide range of items in many diffrent styles, such as         3D puzzle baby toys, educational toys and so on

Studies suggest that toy blocks can help children develop motor skills and hand-eye coordination spatial reasonin cognitive flexibility, language skills a capacity for creative divergent thinking social competence, and engineering skills

Happiness is not enough

Kenzy Toys is an Egyptian Company, that is located in Cairo. We Supply a wide range of items in many diffrent styles, such as 3D puzzel, baby toys, educational toys and so on.

Happiness is not enough